What are the situations that you have come across where only manual depth management would work? Do you have other ways of managing depth?

It's not a matter of getNextHighestDepth not working, it's a matter of controlling the depth to avoid unexpected behaviors. I've never had a problem with accidentally creating a movie clip at the same depth as something else, and that's one less thing I have to think about when debugging.

The only time when setting depth constants was inconvenient for me was in a windowing system I built, in which case I built a window manager class that managed depth for me. The window manager class kept windows on a timeline where nothing but windows would ever be created, and always kept the depths of the windows consecutive, so when a window was closed it was swapped to the top before closing, and there were never gaps in the depths. I *could* have used getNextHighestDepth and saved myself the trouble of swapping windows to the top before closing them, but then if a user left the app open overnight and used it for several days in a row, they could theoretically open enough windows to hit the 65,535 depth limit and unexpected things could happen. So I went ahead and wrote the extra 10 lines of code to keep the depths consecutive, and circumvented the problem before it ever occurred.

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