> if the same job can be done cheaper in the long run, outsourcing is a good

Provided that "in the long run" takes into account the cost of managing the
project and overseas subcontractor, quality assurance testing (and time
required to correct errors), time differences and possible communication

In addition, there are the costs that are not immediate or always
tangible... displaced workers, unemployment insurance rates, etc., etc. But
I digress, and that argument is probably best left to another forum.

FWIW, I've outsourced portions of projects in the past, both to overseas
subcontractors and local freelancers. The overseas work leans towards
larger-scale common tasks (eg, XML conversion) where the size and schedule
allow for any "hiccups". The local freelancers tend to get the smaller
coding projects (eg, Flash, Director, JavaScript, PHP).


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