Have you ever visted espn.com? They have videos on their site that you can't watch until you see the ad before it. I believe that on mtv.com's broadband site you can't watch their clips until you watch an ad as well...so it's being done already and a good way for advertisers to be ensured that their spots will be viewed since they pay for that
time and space.
I don't personally like it but it works.


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Certified Macromedia Flash MX Designer
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On Feb 13, 2006, at 11:29 AM, Miles Thompson wrote:

Way off topic in my response -- why do you want to that?
Just to piss off your potential customers? You have the right to waste their valuable time?

What arrogance.

Splash screens are bad enough, this is WORSE!!!


At 12:14 PM 2/13/2006, you wrote:

Hi all,

One of the services of my website will be providing flash videos to
distributors. We have developed a "player" swf that takes in an introductory swf (mostly likely an ad/commercial) and the .flv video file as FlashVars

Is there a way to provide access to these files to clients and ensure that the ad/commercial is played? Specifically, the problem we are running into is that the client could develop their own flash player and just play our
.flv file.

Can we somehow hide the flv file name, while still using external playback? Is there a way to get around the problem without combining the commercial and video into one file? (If not, anyone know of an easy way to combine
files dynamically?)

Any feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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