Yeah - something was funky in your Flash assets (movie clips) on the
stage.  I moved the menu_mc around and re-published and it worked fine -
I also moved the button instances in the  gadgets_btn instance to two
separate layers and that seemed to help as well.  I'm not entirely sure
what the problem was, but it's working right in the file I saved.  I
will send a Flash 8 .fla directly to you offlist.  

Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning Solutions   |

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flashcoders-
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of T. van Zantvoort
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:58 AM
>>To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
>>Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash 8 BUG? Strange button vs tween behavior
>>Hi all,
>>I have a strange problem and can't recall that i ever witnessed this
>>Could someone please look at this ? When
clicked on
>>the most right/bottom button the movie goes to the second key but
let's the
>>button stay on it's place?!#$ <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> %#  How is this
>>Met vriendelijke groeten,
>>Tayfun van Zantvoort
>>MonTay WebArchitects
>>T: 040-2300898
>>F: 040-2954071
>>I:  <>
>>Check ook eens andere
>>onderdelen van ons uit.
>> <>  (je eigen webshop)
>> <>  (aug '05, digi-lifestyle)
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