Hey Dude I have never had any problems, can you point me to the example
and ill give it a test. Just as a side point if you look in the external
interface section inside the flex2 documentation there is a c# class
there that wraps AS external interface calls nicely.



> Hi All,
> We've been working on integrating Flash with C# through External  
> Interface, but have hit a brick wall with an odd error.
> We've go ExternalInterface calling C# functions fine, it's the  
> reverse which is not working.
> C# in .NET throws an "Unspecified Error" when calling an exposed  
> Actionscript function with both the stuff I've written and another  
> example we've got off the net.
> However, if we use  VB .NET (which apparently should compile to the  
> same thing), the same Flash files work fine (both the in-house things  
> and the examples from the net).
> Has anyone come across this before and know of a solution?
> At the moment it looks like we'll have to wrap VB in the C# just to  
> let C# call AS functions, which is pretty irritating.
> Regards,
> Sam Thorne
> Interaction Design
> Web: http://www.native.com/
> Tel: +44 (0)207 588 7970
> Fax: +44 (0)207 588 7971
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