Racial is not the same as racist.

Let me break it down for you.

FACT: Minority Day Laborers can be found outside of Home Depots.
JOKE: Home Depot is a national chain like CompUSA is a national chain.
FACT: Programming Jobs are being outsourced to India.
FACT: Architects plan, Day Laborers do the work.

JOKE: Mexicans outside Home Depot are to physical day laboring as Indians
outside CompUSA are to code day laboring (the latter does not exist, hence
the joke).

It's not racism.  Racism is prejudice via pointing out how another person or
group of people are inferior due to race.  Pointing out that a Mexican is a
Mexican is not racist.  Pointing out that Indians are taking coding jobs is
not racist.  In no way am I making any statement that anyone is inferior.

Relax, whitey.  Your white guilt is showing.

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