
I should recommend you Oregano.
I've ported the API to as2 and put several additions to it.
That makes it a really nice tool to play with.

All the benefits are that Oregano is more a framework than just XMLSocket for Flash.

It uses a homemade serialisation/deserialisation scheme which make it quiet fast (no XML parsing is needed)
You could send and receive typed object like in Remoting.
There is also a kind of RecordSet called Table, which is a representation of database table with the sorting possibilities.

Oregano server runs on Java 1.4 and is fully extensible.
One could create special extensions to enhance to server functionnalities, for example for security…

You could also create a clustering server structure if you need more power.
You could balance the differents process on a group basis.

There are tons of great things with Oregano, but the one I appreciate the most is the quality of the documentation. You are lucky because I've decided to release a new version which is pretty stable (after one year of heavy testings)
I'll publish it in some days on my blogs :

But you could grab a copy now and play with it.
There are so much things to learn…

If you need support, you could register here :
There is an english dedicated board.

Feel free to ask there.

I'm actually thinking of some inprovments of Oregano.
I think the future could come with some good news…

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