> What I want to do is to use .net technology instead of ASP3.0, 
> but don't want to use the .net framework, because is to heavy
> for my computer, I would like to continue working with just 
> Dreamweaver  (or inclusive notepad) for my .NET classes, is 
> this possible?

Yes, you can use Dreamweaver, or any other text editor for that matter, for
ASP.NET 2.0 development. You will need to download the .NET Framework 2.0
SDK, which contains the "compiler" and other stuff you'll need. You can't do
anything without the framework - think of it as a runtime library. I don't
think it'll be too "heavy" for your computer. You may be confusing the
framework with Visual Studio.NET - which may very well be too heavy for your

Personally, Dreamweaver would not be my first choice for ASP.NET
development, though. You might take a look at SharpDevelop and Web Matrix,
which are free and comparatively lightweight:


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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