
In the following code: I'm getting the following "static" from the ouput window: **Error** /Users/user/Desktop/code/oop_review/BOX/Box.as: Line 34: Instance variables cannot be accessed in static functions.
                return width*height;

Total ActionScript Errors: 1     Reported Errors: 1

How could I access these instance variables from within this private static method? Is it advisable using Private Static? Would I have to create an instance of the class then access the properties?

class Box {
        //accessing a static property through a method.
        //The box class, with methods to set and retreive the
        //value of the class property, numSides.
        //The class property numSides
        private static var numSides:Number = 4;
        private var width:Number;
        private var height:Number;
        private var area:Number;
        //all CAPS denotes constants, values that never change.
        private static var DEFAULT_WIDTH:Number = 30;
        private static var DEFAULT_HEIGHT:Number = 20;
        public static var maxWidth = 250;
        public static var maxHeight = 250;
        //The constructor function.
        public function Box(w:Number, h:Number) {
                if (w == undefined) {
                        w = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
                if (h == undefined) {
                        h = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
                width = w;
                height = h;
                //initialize area. This is perfectly legal within a constructor
                //area = width*height;
        private static function getArea():Number {
                return width*height;
        //Method for setting numSides.
        public function setNumSides(newNumSides:Number):Void {
                numSides = newNumSides;
        //Method for getting numSides.
        public function getNumSides():Number {
                return numSides;
        //Accessor to retreive width
        public function getWidth():Number {
                return width;
        //Accessor to assign width
        public function setWidth(w:Number):Void {
                width = w;
        //Accessor to retreive height
        public function getHeight():Number {
                return height;
        //Accessor to set height
        public function setHeight(h:Number):Void {
                height = h;
        //reset the dimensions
        public function resetDimensions():Void {
                height = 1;
                width = 1;
                trace("Dimensions reset !");
        public function onMouseDown():Void {
        public function enableReset():Void {
        public function disableReset():Void {
        //this gurantees a safe means of deleting its instances.
        public function die():Void {
                //Unregister the object so the Mouse class
                //deletes the reference to it.  
//End AS
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