Got it fixed. I had an error in my Flash Publish settings.

Thanks, it was very helpful to see the steps y'all would take.

On 3/29/06, Aaron Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> no it wouldnt be whitespace.. one thing you could check for is php
> errors.. check the logs.. one quick way to check for php errors is to
> navigate to the Highscores.php file in the web browser..

I'll def check these out. Thanks.

> **** go to  this is patrick mineaults
> blog. he is lead dev on amfphp. download the cinqetdemi.remoting
> remoting library..(3rd post down or so).. they're really nice wrapper
> classes used for remoting. makes it really simple..  theres an
> example of how to use it there.. basically there wrapper classes for
> the flash remoting classes..
> smith
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