On 4/20/06, eric dolecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on an application where I am loading images into a clip using
> a
> MovieClipLoader. The SWF is embedded in Python. After about 100 images are
> loaded into the same clip (over time - about 1 every 1-2 seconds), the
> images fail to load. Sometimes it happens after about the 40th image, but
> its more around the 100+ mark. The images being loaded are being sized
> down
> to fit - but the original images being loaded aren't that large (k).
> All image paths are correct too.
> I am making sure that I unload the contents of that clip before loading a
> new one - just to try to be as tidy as I can. The application doesn't seem
> to balloon in terms of memory usage - it hovers around the same amount
> throughout.
> Is this a known bug of FP 8.5? I can't find any reason why all of the
> sudden
> the images fail to load into the clip. I don't have cacheAsBitmap set to
> true on the clip either. Its a strange thing I am trying to track down and
> fix, but I now think the problem is actually player-related and not
> code-related.
Well, 8.5 still seems a bit buggy for me. I just posted another thread,
where simply loading a empty flash 8 swf with one sound into a very simple
as3 swf, causes the 8.5 player to crash. Hopefully they release another beta
version with more bugs fixed soon.

-David R
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