Kevin Newman wrote:
I had a problem recently embedding ComicSans MS (it was a comic app, so it was ok ;-) ). The problem turned out to be related to my use of Faux Bold. Just unchecking the Faux Bold box fixed it up. So maybe it's a formatting problem?

OK, I'll look into that.

In the code that you provided "question_fmt" is not defined anywhere. I guess it was defined in code that you didn't post?

Correct, it is defined at the top of the script.


Kent Humphrey wrote:

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here?

What you can't see on that test page is the questions, which are being pulled in with identical code, but have been set to use an embedded font. Here is my code:

q_mc = content_mc.createTextField("question"+i, content_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 385, 20);
q_mc.autoSize = "left";
q_mc.wordWrap = "true";
q_mc.antiAliasType = "advanced";

q_mc.embedFonts = true;

q_mc.selectable = false;
// assign text format defined above
       q_mc.text = questions[i];

If I comment out the embedFonts line, the text is visible.

I have tried embedding different fonts, different font weights, different linkage names, htmltext vs text and so on.

The text is currently being pulled from a list, but testing with straight text has the same effect.

I am using this same code to pull text into the swf that this swf is loaded into, and it works fine there. This swf doesn't work as a standalone or as part of the larger app.

Anyone got any ideas?

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