Christian wrote:
I was under the impression that getURL(javascript:) no longer worked in Flash 8. Is this incorrect?

Well, it really depends on what the browser does when it receives a "javascript:" pseudo-URL from a plugin or control when it's expecting an URL. Browsers have varied quite a bit in the past in how they supported this*, and even though it's a popular technique, I *have* seen posts in the past about some Microsoft browsers fo rWindows doing wonky things with loading their own images after getting a js pseudo-URL.

(* Searching the technotes with term "browser matrix flash" turned up some older benchmarks against various browsers.)

I have no solid info on this... if the browsermakers don't document all the fringe things of how they implement a spec, I learned long ago that I'd have less luck. What you're observing does echo observations I've heard from others in the past, if that loose and uninformative recognition is of any help in your troubleshooting.

(For the question itself, the Player will still send out location requests to its hosts, same as before... I haven't seen any docs of this popular hack being negated in any way.)


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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