while this silly thread is still alive:

i just wanted to inform you about two mails i got directly from members and non members from this list. i am quoting the mails here cause i thought since i got them because i posted to this list, the list should get this part of the thread too:
first one is from josh from theyrule.net, somewhat friendlier:
Hi Michael,

I am not on Flashcoders, but I do check the archives and was following the 
Eolas workarounds.  I would have replied to the whole list but don't want to 
sub and have to deal with the volume.  Nevertheless, I feel compelled to write 
in response to your mail that I have copied below.

I think that you should apologize for this posting - because if you look back at the post that you are responding to - you will find that 1) it is about flash code (yes as it relates to the environment it sits in) and 2) that you can not test this in Firefox - because the EOLAS patent isn't enforced there.
The question is still open - I believe it is an IE bug - not passing full focus 
to Flash - if this is the case then Macromedia should know about it.
- ok, josh is so frankly of being clever and better stay off this list, for it has too much traffic for him. we all should do this. would keep traffic way lower than nowadays, don't you think?
I already answered him:

Hi Michael,
> I am not on Flashcoders, ok, so why do you bother me (private) with that thread at all ?
> but I do check the archives and was following the Eolas workarounds. I would have replied to the whole list but don't want to sub and *have to deal with the volume*.
no comment.
>  Nevertheless, I feel compelled to write in response to your mail that I have 
copied below.
> I think that you should apologize for this posting - because if you look back 
at the post that you are responding to - you will find that 1) it is about flash 
code (yes as it relates to the environment it sits in)
it has and will never have anything to do with actionscript or related jsfl @ all. it's a browser thing. period.
> The question is still open - I believe it is an IE bug - not passing full 
focus to Flash - if this is the case then *Macromedia *should know about it.
yeah, and you still live in 2005 do you  :-)  ?

Btw: you broke several rules of the netiquette in general (search the archives or google it.) now you're another item on my Junk list right now, since you don't care for the easiest rules of all.


but wait there was another one ... here's what kid alec has to tell me:
Cannot test this in Mozilla, because Mozilla does not require flash
Think before you type in public forums, idiot.
i'm not gonna feed this troll. make your own decisions.


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