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Does that do anything but move the corners around? What I'm looking for is a way to create a distortion like:

        x         x
    x                 x
 x           x           x
x        x         x        x
x    x                 x    x
x x                       x x
x                           x

This is _easily_ done in the IDE with the envelope tools, and it's easily done in the "text-warp" CP of PHotoshop from a preselected list, and it's been available in TypeStyler for 15 years or so.

I've seen this done on a number of websites, but with Java Applets. I guess they're hooking into some kind of vector-mapping engine, but I don't know how they're doing it. An example is here:

My real question is, if this image-manipulation is available in the IDE, how difficult is it to provide in the client or within AS3? I guess the answer is "very difficult" or "more trouble than it's worth"?


GregoryN wrote:
 Sorry, but what's "LART"?

I think that, with skew function(s), the task of simulating an
envelope, e.g., placing text between 2-4 lines is just a question of math.
Well, probably quite advanced :-).
I've already described it in general (see quotation below).

As to envelope in Flash IDE, it works with vector shapes (probably in
the same "skew" way), not text. You need to "Break Apart" the text,

So far I don't know about any way to convert dynamic text to shapes
(e.g., break apart) at runtime via AS.

BTW, maybe anyone knows how to "break apart" text with AS? I'd
appreciate any idea regarding it.

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