> Thanks Jim,
> > I don't want to give you a false sense of hope here but 
> copy and paste is
> > working here for me
> Hmm... Me too. I'm at home now on a laptop that hasn't been used in  
> yonks and has FF 1.0.7 on it. The machines at the office all have  
> whatever the stable build of FF last week was on them.

No worries, If it works in one version and not in another - it's up to
you/theclient/company to decide which browsers you support.

> > CTRL-INST works but SHIFT-INST
> Stupid question... um, what does this mean?

With windows machines you can copy with CONTROL+C and CONTROL+INSERT and
paste with CONTROL+V and SHIFT+INSERT... I was just using short words for
the copy-n-paste keyboard shortcuts.

> > link to your MC and lets take a look...
> My test swf has nothing more than the simplest TextField and 
> components in it.
> I'll put together something to try and get feedback from the kind  
> members of this list when I get back to work.

This is obviously very important to my company and others considering this
is an important part of many forms-based flash applications. I feel that
flash e-commerce as a whole is affected by this if you have an issue, thus
it's important for me to be aware if others have having said issue.

Let me know what you find, please!

Jim Palmer ! Mammoth Web Operations
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