Dear all

 I have a strange problem getting a V2 component to initialize
I can copy code works that fine in one class, compiled into another
class (and another swf), and it no longer works - just fails silently

This is the essence of it :

import mx.controls.Button;

class Mysterious {
        function Mysterious () {

function doStuff() {
        var endNoteButt = _root.createClassObject(Button,

In the original class, it traces : _level0.endNoteButt
In the new class it traces : undefined

Very odd ...i might well be missing something trivial / obvious, but I
can't see it...

I know that V2 objects need some time to fully initialize, but they
shouldn't return undefined?

Bit more info that might help someone advise me here
(1) in the first (working) case, Mysterious is instantiated from another
class - in the second from the main timeline
(2) using MX2004 IDE - both swf's compile and run fine - no errors
(3) this is a new PC. fscommand also seems to have stopped working on
this machine - unrelated? Security issue?
(4) both have same directory location, and class paths set for the swf



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