Well, I'll tell ya about a problem I had in a project of mine that sounded kinda similar. It was similar because we were loading mini resource intensive games into a main container movie - which in turn was in Zinc.

Anyway I did end up having memory leaks, but it wasn't Flash's fault. I made a class that listened for collisions and was running in 2 of my 10 games. There was a bug in it, and my collision list wasn't clearing all the way. So my collision hitTests kept growing and growing. But of course when I just played one of the games for 5 minutes it was fine because the leak wasn't so big to notice. It wasn't until I played the games one after another that it started crashing.

So, take a gander at any classes or code that's running and you're not clearing properly. That could very well be the source of your performance issues.

The audio issues could maybe be performance related (I haven't experienced audio problems from performance issues). They could also be code that's running in the background that you don't even know is running in the background because you failed to properly clean it up which is stopping your audio.

One thing I didn't know about flash until recently was that if you create a Sound Object like so: var mySound = new Sound(); it creates the sound in the global space. So.....even when you make 2 sound variables they still relate to the same global space - so even though mySound1 and mySound2 might be different variables. Telling mySound1.stop() will also make mySound2 stop in my experience. If you pass in different movie clips to play through - confusion related to using this global space to stop one sound and start others would be eliminated (ie var mySound = new Sound(mymovieclip); )

So hey, anyway, is something happening where stuff from another game (including stop sound actions) are interfering with play from a current game? It could, in the end, not only cause performance issues, cause weird halting, but even stop sounds if the conditions are right. Try tracing variables that you don't think are there anymore.....Got an enterframe method? put a trace in it, it could be happening when you least expect it.

Hope this helps!

Paul Steven wrote:
Banging my head trying to get to the bottom of a bug on a CDROM that should
be going for duplication tomorrow.

It is Flash 8 CDROM (PC Only) with a main container movie and various games
loaded into it. The flash movie is loaded into a Director shell though I
have tried it using Zinc and had the same problems.

The problem is that the audio is quite often just cutting off midway through
the audio file and resulting in the game hanging. It is not happening at any
particular point in the CDROM. I tried reducing the audio (external mp3) to
22 Khz from 44 but seems to have no affect.

I am thinking it could possibly be a performance problem as its quite a
resource hungry product. The cursor is flashing like crazy at all times - is
this something that indicates a problem?

The problem happens when run from the CDROM and when run from the hard drive
but possibly worse from the CDROM. It is so random it is hard to say.

Are there any memory leaks in Flash 8 - and if so are there any solutions or

Any help much appreciated as missing this deadline won't make me a very
popular person.

Thanks in advance.


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