shouldn't you boys be going out and getting a drink on blitz's account
instead of teasing each other like this?

On 8/25/06, Steven Sacks | BLITZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you stalking me, Grden?  :)

> 1.  I use block comments all the time - but if you think it's janky,
> power to you.

I have the power of Greyskull.  Block comments are for commenting out
*gasp* blocks of code.  I use block comments all the time for that very
purpose.  I use line comments to write internal commentary on my code,
though, so that anyone can comment out blocks without issue.

> 2.  I prefer people to drop the curly brace down to the next line, not
> left up on the method declaration line.  But I don't give a rats ass
> they don't.

That's a tomayto tomahto thing.  I can read code just fine either way.

> 3.  I think WWF wrestling is fake - but it's cool if others don't.

It's never cool to be willfully ignorant.  And while it is all fake,
it's not like it doesn't hurt getting slammed to the floor or doesn't
require a level of athleticism and endurance.  It might be a show, but
it takes a lot of work to put on that show and I'm sure there are real

> 4.  Drew Bledsoe will be out by the 3rd game of the regular season -
> that's just a fact.

Baseball is boring.  Are you cool with me saying that?  ;)

> 5.  Your mom.

Has a broken heart thanks to you.  Nice going, John, you tease.

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