It looks like you need xfactorstudio's xml xpath :)

And yes, Flash can do what you need it to do here

On 9/1/06, Jeff Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello List.

I'm a programer with a good background in PHP, Smarty, MySql, javascript and
other web technologies.  I'm working on an application that needs to blend
PHP and Flash components together. Since I haven't touched flash since way
back in the dark ages, I'm a little put off at the current interface.  (Not
in a 'I-hate-you' way, but more in a 'Will-this-do-what-I'm-thinking' way).

Okay, this boils down to two different questions. Esentially the app is a
database driven lookup engine. The PHP/Smarty will decide based on user
input and business logic to display an item. The PHP templates need to write
out the HTML/XHTML for a Flash component.

Question 1:

Assuming my item id is "123" and my template writes: <param name="i_id"
value="123" /> into the <object></object>  block, can my flash's action
script 'get' the variable i_id.  And would my action script be able to use
i_id as a variable directly?

(I've seen some sort of confirmation of this on the list, but no qualitative

Question 2:

Now assuming my flash has the id, it needs to load an XML file from the web
server, based on the id. as in

Obviously interpolating the value of i_id into the url it uses.

(behind the scenes, the server uses an URL Rewrite to map to  which is a PHP script that
'speaks' XML and produces an xml file filled with database data)

The xml contains a list of categories and their colors and a list of related
items and their details that will be something like the following:

-----------------------xml code---------------
    <group id="1" name="a group name" bgcolor="#aabff" fgcolor="#882299"
highlight="#999933" />
    <group id="2" name="the second name" bgcolor="#bbaaee" fgcolor="#882299"
highlight="#AA8844" />
    <item id="456" group="1" name="my first item name"
" />
    <item id="789" group="1" name="another item name"
" />
    <item id="333" group="2" name="third name"              url=""; />
----------------------/xml code---------------

With me so far?  In theory, I can use the action script call:

-------------------------code ------------
getxmldata = new XML();

getxmldata.load("xmlfile" + i_id + ".xml", "");
------------------------/code ------------

to load this up.  I've seen some examples of this.  And I've seen examples
of loading the attributes for a give 'node' (as in the group or item tags
above).  But I'm not sure how to process the grouplists and itemlists.

I mean do you think this could be processed with:

** Note, I'm basing nearly all of this on code examples, but I'm flying
halfway blind.  I'm not certain that an XML sub object
** suports 'firstChild", 'lastChild' or 'nextSibling'  If not, I'd like to
know what to use.
if (getxmldata.loaded)
    var grouplist        = getxmldata.firstChild;
    var itemlist           = getxmldata.lastChild;
    var groups:Array = [];
    var items:Array    = [];

    var last     = grouplist.lastChild;
    var group = grouplist.firstChild;
       groups[]  = group;
       group                                    = group.nextSibling;
    while (group != last);

    last         = itemlist.lastChild;
    var item = itemlist.firstChild;
       items[]  = item;
       item                                 = item.nextSibling;
    while (item != last);

Or is there a better way to handle all of this?

Just hoping for either some pointers, or general help

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Ramon Miguel M. Tayag
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