Aaron Haines wrote:
Does anyone have any solid information about the performance of SWFs
published as Flash 7 when playing in Flash Player 9?

Peter Hall did.

There seems to be some anecdotal evidence that it runs very slowly and we
are seeing some eveidence of this.

How can others see this too? A link to a particular SWF would be fine, but more direct would be a description of how others could make a small file to test a particular function. If other people can see it too, then we can make some progress.

Generally, new Players must play old content at least as well. There are some particular features which may not follow this rule (security requirements are one prominent exception), but the public Developer Releases are for identifying and addressing any such degradations. I'd still like to learn what you're seeing, thanks.


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
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Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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