You could put a php file on another server and hit that.  If you do I think you 
need to allowDomain and have a crossDomain XML file on the server, if memory 
serves correct.  V

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
Reply-To: Flashcoders mailing list <>
Date:  Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:01:42 -0400

>I have an unusual flash form project in that the hosting provider doesn't 
>support ANY server side scripting.
>My goal is to simply pass name value pairs from a form...I assume the only way 
>I can do this is using sendAndLoad and a LoadVars object. Since the hosting 
>provider dooesn't support any server side scripting, instead of targeting a 
>specific file on the server, I was simply going to target a directory and then 
>retrieve the name value pairs from the server's log file.
>Does this make sense?
>Any other solutions greatly appreciated!
>Jim Bachalo
>[e] jbach at
>[c] 416.668.0034
>"...all improvisation is life in search of a style."
>             - Bruce Mau,'LifeStyle'
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