Does the server hosting the webservices have a crossdomain.xml file?
The crossdomain.xml file has to be on the server/domain you're trying to 
access, not on the server/domain the Flash movie resides 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Liam Mincy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <>
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash + Web Services problems

>I thought I had sent an email with my resolution, if not I appologize :)
> The services in question were not allowing us to access them through the 
> means Flash
> was communicating with the web service from our server. The company that was 
> hosting
> the service said that there was nothing on teir end that would prevent the 
> transfer
> of data, as demonstrated with our local access to the services. There may 
> have been
> a firewall issue or something else happening on the Windows Server that was 
> hosting
> things that was blocking the transfer.
> I did not come to a resolution, per se, what we ended up doing was writing a 
> .NET
> web service on the same machine as the Flash. That web service sat between 
> the Flash
> and the remote web service to pass the data along and return the results with 
> its
> own exposed methods.
> This was deadline / crunch time and since I couldn't get any real help from 
> the
> server people, who said that everything was working, I just went with what I 
> knew
> would work.
> On another project, however, I did use corssdomain.xml when callng Flash from 
> within
> an iframe which called another web service on the machine local to the Flash 
> movie
> within the iframe and that seemed to work well.
> When I get a moment I want to play with this to see what I am doing wrong or 
> if
> there are just certain types of web services that do not communicate with 
> Flash when
> on a server under my setup.
> What type of web service are you calling? What environment does the Flash live
> within? Is there a crossdomain.xml file?
> liam m-

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