> You tripped, exactly the way I described earlier, by accessing
> external_xml right after calling Load().  Wait until onLoad() is called
> before doing anything with external_xml.  You should trace the XML
> object inside the onLoad function:
>    external_xml.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
>      if (success) {
>         trace(this);
>         //Do something with the XML in here.
>      } else {
>        trace("xml failed to load.");
>      }
> The result will probably be "[Object object]" or something equally
> obscure, as the Flash trace routine doesn't break down complex objects
> into viewable text.
> In general, you can put a flag inside the onLoad() routine that
> indicates that the XML object is safe to use.

And lets say I put a flag in there, so something like
var safe = true;

Then I go on, and need to use my XML later on in my code, if I just test for
a basic condition of the safe variable, it may or may not be done loading.

So, how do know when it is done and you can move on, do I shove all my
future code in a repeat while safe != true or something?

Thanks again
Scott Haneda                                Tel: 415.898.2602
<http://www.newgeo.com>                     Novato, CA U.S.A.

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