Can I assume that you are offsetting your scroll "dragger" by 30 because you
have arrow buttons at the top and bottom of the scrollbar? If so you need to
change the +30 to -30. Otherwise you are just shifting the scroll area down
rather than removing 30 from both ends. That might account for your
scrolling to high.

Charles P.

On 11/27/06, Carl Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello All,

I have a movieclip that I attach a varying number of other movieclip that
are stacked vertically. I am trying to figure out some math that accounts
for the varying height of the scrolled movieclip. I am having a problem
the math though. I am using something that looks like: buttonMask._y =
the "ratio" variable comes from the movieclip with the stacked (attached)
movieclips DIVIDED by the height of my scroll bar. But it doesn't seem to
work well. The scroller moves my movieclip too high. I don't even know how
to make this sound with out sounding like an idiot....

Here's my code:

//buttonMask is the movieclip that gets the other movieclips loaded into.
//line is part of my scrollbar & dragger is my little scroll knob that

dragger.onPress = function() {
startDrag("dragger", true, line._x, 30, line._x, line._height+30);
ratio = (buttonMask._height/line._height);

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
      buttonMask._y = 60+(-(this._y)/ratio); /////////<this is where I

dragger.onRelease = function() {
      delete this.onEnterFrame;

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