
I often need to recognize for some of my gui elemets when the embedded
gui elements (childs) have changed or vice-versa the parent elements
has changed in a property, like "_x", "_width", etc. to repaint the
necessary elements of the GUI.
So what is the best way to do this?

I stumbled over the methods of Object to add or watch properties. This
allows myself to build something like this:

class MyUIObject extends Object
        public var _x:Number;

        public function GUIObject() {
                this.addProperty("_x", getX, setX);
                this.watch("_x",onChange,{test: 123}); // possibility 2

        // possibility 2
        private function onChange(prop, oldVal, newVal, userData):Boolean
                if (prop=="_x")
                        return true;
                } else {
                        return false;

        private function getX(Void):Number {
                return _x;
        private function setX(x:Number):Void {
                onX(x); // possibility 1
        public function onX(x:Number):Void {

This way I can set and get _x:

var muo:MyUIObject = new MyUIObject();
trace("1: "+muo._x)
muo._x.onX = function(x)
        trace("2: "+this._x);
        trace("3: "+x);
muo._x = 100;
trace("4: "+muo._x)

But the onX method is invoked BEFORE _x is actually set, why?
1: undefined
2: undefined
3: 100
4: 100

Is there a better way to have an onX method, which perhaps is invoked
immediately after _x was set?

Thank you,
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