How weird... I'll have to check my own setup, as I honestly haven't
checked to see whether my .swfs are bloated (using shared libs for
convenience rather than file-size-saving).

I discovered another oddity the other day (which I assume has been
previously documented, but was new to me...)

If you aren't using the shared symbols directly on the stage (i.e.
you're attaching them dynamically using attachMovie) you can trick the

If you include only _one_ of the symbols from your shared library in
your movie's library, the shared .swf gets loaded (obviously) - and
_all_ the shared library symbols are then available via actionscript.
Which is nice. :-D

Saves on maintenance, and eases pluggability/skinning considerably...


On 11/30/06, Danny Kodicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Hi Danny,
>   Are you sure that all the symbols that the shared library
> object uses are also set to be shared?
>   i.e. If the top-level symbol (set as runtime shared in the Linkage
> dialog) contains/references lots of other library symbols in
> the shared library, unless _they too_ are set to be runtime
> shared, they'll get copied into your new .swf

They are. Here's what I've discovered:

The symbols seem to be *both* shared *and* embedded. I can fix the problem
as follows:

1) Create a new movie with a dummy symbol called 'test', set to export.
2) Bring this symbol into the target movie
3) Set the linkage manually to the symbol I actually want to use.

Hey presto: 135k dropped off my swf at a stroke.

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