Hi Dan

Thanks for your comments.
The use of arrow keys has been requested by the client. I may have to try and talk them out of it.

But it makes sense visually - the sliders are arrows pointing left and right, and it's important that the user can slide them as little or as much as they like (constrained only by their extreme left and right limits).

My plan was to use left and right arrow keys and a setInterval so they can be moved smoothly and easily.

If the choice is to either follow the rules and make it cumbersome, or break the rules make it easy, my choice would be to make it easy for non-mouse users. Just looking for the best way.



Standard keyboard accessibility states that the tab and enter key are the 2 keys that can be used. ie. These map to switch users keys as standard. So what you can do is tab to the slider and then on an enter press the slider
can increment an amount and so on, until the next tab to the next
acccessible item. You can even mark the increments on the slider if you

Your slider will then be accessible to all user including 1 switch users.

It is standard that you tab between items and and enter hit does the item

Dan M
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