Hello Chester,

- yes, it's very good way if array is not changed.
  but testNumber method is unnecessary:

  // prepare:
var nList_array:Array = new Array(12, 34, 21, 46, 52)
var nList_object:Object = new Object();
for (var i:Number = 0, len:nList_array.length; i<len; i++){
         nList_object[nList_array[i]] = true;


  // check

if (!nList_object[a]) {
  // do something

good luck,

CM> Why not throw another option in the mix :)

CM> I think this one is more efficient because it only loops through the  
CM> number array once at the beginning... but I'm not an optimization  
CM> expert.

CM> // define your array of "bad" numbers
CM> var nList_array:Array = new Array(12, 34, 21, 46, 52)

CM> // create an object with a boolean value for each "bad" number
CM> var nList_object:Object = new Object();
CM> for (var i:Number = 0; i<nList_array.length; i++){
CM>         var num:Number = nList_array[i];
CM>         nList_object["bad"+num] = false;
CM> }

CM> // create a function to "test" a number;
CM> function testNumber(num:Number):Boolean
CM> {
CM>         if (nList_object["bad"+num] === false){
CM>                 return false;
CM>         } else {
CM>                 return true;
CM>         }
CM> }

CM> // Now test it
CM> for (var i:Number = 0; i<100; i++){
CM>         if (testNumber(i)){
CM>                 trace("doing something with "+i);
CM>         } else {
CM>                 trace("BAD NUMBER:  "+i);
CM>         }
CM> }

CM> On Dec 20, 2006, at 4:42 PM, Eduardo Barbosa wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> given a list of numbers such as: (12, 34, 21, 46, 52 ... )
>> what would be the best way to achieve this:
>> a++;
>> if ( a != 12 && a != 34 && a != 21 && a != 46 && a != 52 ... ) {
>>      // do something
>> }
>> Am doing my research and trying out some solutions but i thought  
>> that in the
>> meantime someone may have a quick ready answer for this or some  
>> good hints.
>> thanks a lot!
>> Eduardo

Ivan Dembicki
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |                                        | 

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