Hi there,

I'm having trouble with the v2 text area component.
The problem is I want to display html text in the component + I want to
use an embedded font. Using embedded fonts with normal text works fine
and html text with device font's works fine as well. But using both at
the same time just doesn't work :-( 

Here's the code 

// if I set the html property to true the text is not displayed unless I

// change the embedFonts property to false ..
//myTa.html = true;

myTa.setStyle("fontSize", "12");
myTa.setStyle("fontFamily", "cg");
myTa.setStyle("color", "0xff2366");
myTa.embedFonts = true;

this.myTa.text = "Test <br> test<br> test";

Any ideas? 



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