Thanks Ian!

I think 

is close to what I need

bascially I have some movieclips manually place on the stage with class 
linkages defnied in the library.
the MC's when instantiated perform the following initialize action:

get their inital _y postitions, and then, depending on this value, move 
themselves to an inital starting position

Howver, I only want this t happen ONCE

the problem is these movieclips are one after the other on the timeline so the 
associated class is constantly instantiated.

Does this make sense?

I thought the easiest solution would be to somehwo 'rmove' the class linkage 
after the initialize action...

[e] jbach at
[c] 416.668.0034
"...all improvisation is life in search of a style."
             - Bruce Mau,'LifeStyle'
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