Hi to all
Can anybody tell me what is my problem. I am trying to download files

import flash.net.FileReference;
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
var isDownload=false;

function downloadMP3(myFile,myName){
var listener:Object = new Object();

listener.onProgress = function(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number,
bytesTotal:Number):Void {
  _parent.status_box.status.htmlText=myName+": "+"Progress with
bytesLoaded: " + bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal: " + bytesTotal;


When I test on my pc files download well. When I move it to the
server dialog box opens but file does not download and listener does not
have any events. Can I solve this problem if mp3 is not on my server? Or I
must move them all at my server.

Thank you for any help.
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