Well, i donĀ“t know for sure, but i never, ever use window[element] to access an element object. I always use document.getElementById and had no problems neither in explorer nor in firefox/opera/safari.

Also, you should better not use document.write to write content on a page. document.write statements must be run before the page finishes loading. This means that they must be either in the body of the page or in functions called from the body of the page. Any document.write statement that runs after the page finishes loading will create a new page and overwrite all of the content of the current page. This is almost certainly not what you intend to have happen.

Use the DOM functions to create a new node and append it to the DOM tree or innerHTML to write content to an existing node (while you can, of course, create the content and insert it on an existing node using DOM, internet explorer has problems with that, so go with the innerHTML version).

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 05:49:56 -0300, Andreas R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So i got EI working with swfobject just fine; turns out i had omitted addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
SWF-to-container calls now work wonderfully as such:


However, i'm having a hell of a party getting container-to-swf calls up and running; i keep getting the methodName is not defined error in firefox.

Here's my JS:

Rayon.BlackBox = function(){
    document.write('<div id="MediaPlayer">Content here</div>');
mediaPlayer = new SWFObject("mediaplayer.swf", "mediaPlayerMovie", "100%", "100%", "8");
    mediaPlayer.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
    mediaPlayer.addParam("scale", "exactfit");
    mediaPlayer.addParam("menu", "false");
    mediaPlayer.addParam("salign", "TL");
Rayon.BlackBox.prototype = {
        if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
            return window[movieName]
        }else {
            return document.getElementById(movieName);
        alert("push to playlist: "+jsonString);
        var movie = this.getMovie("mediaPlayerMovie");
        alert("push done");
var BlackBox = Rayon.BlackBox;

instanced with:
obj = new BlackBox();

and method called through:


in the swf:


I've tried alerting on the return value for getMovie and it does return a relevant value. However i keep getting "movie.addToPlayList is not a function" errors

Anyone know what i'm doing wrong?

- Andreas R
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