The first two sites are similar and may possibly be done as one  project.
I need a world-class professional site built for boudoir and portrait  
photography for a female photographer/ business partner. Samples of her work 
are  at 
_www.sensorydreams.com_ (  . I want a  near 
clone of _www.alisamurray.com_ (   except no intro 
needed, and only only 4 or 5 links. One of the links will  be to photo proofs. 
you do not have coding skills for this part I can have  someone else build 
it. Basically need to host photo proofs that can be clicked  on and prints 
ordered. Payment processed through PayPal for this site, then the  email with 
order info goes to an email address. An example of the proofing  system (more 
complex than needed) is at my old site at _www.texaspartypics.net_ 
( . I need this  site as soon as possible.
I also need a new site for my event photography. It was 
_www.texaspartypics.net_ (  but I have sold  
that business. The new 
name is Houston Photo Works. Nearly the same as the above  site, with 
different colors. But if you are a great designer with ideas I would  gladly 
those. Needs a robust photo proof gallery that can host multiple  events for 
multiple groups. This can be the same as for the above site, but  payment would 
process through a cc merchant. Order info just goes to an  email address.
A third site is an online gallery and store for my wife, who is a  painter 
primarily of nudes and landscapes.
Please let me know if you are available and interested in building any or  
all of these sites. I can provide detailed information and content as  
Troy Porter
832 215 8966

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