On 2/1/07, Andy Herrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Even if
you're extending Object (so you can do things like this.foo = "stuff"
without foo being declared) it's still a good idea to declare them.

Actually, you have to even if extending Object. The only time you
don't have to declare private variables is if you specifically set
your class to be dynamic:

class FixedObject extends Object {
   public function FixedObject() {
       foo = "bar"; // Throws an error, since "foo" was never declared.

dynamic class DynamicObject extends Object {
   public function FixedObject() {
       foo = "bar"; // Works fine.
       foo = new Date(); // Also works fine.

Generally using dynamic classes is not a good practice, since you
can't do compile-time type checking on dynamic classes.

(Incidentally, it is possible to create a dynamic subclass of a fixed
class, too.)

T. Michael Keesey
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