There's a few ways you can do this, but here is one, using Bindings through the 
Component Inspector.

First set the columns for the datagrid.
Add the following code to the first frame (where the button code is)

this.menu_dg.columnNames = ["name", "price", "calories"];

Add a TextArea component for the description of the selected datagrid item to 
the stage, name it:description_ta
With the TextArea instance selected, set "editable" to false in the 
"Parameters" tab.

Next step is to bind the .text property of the TextArea to the "description" 
field of the XML connector.
You could bind the TextArea to the DataSet, but then you'd have to manually 
create a schema for the DataSet's dataProvider in the 
Component Inspector. Since the XMLConnector already has a Schema defined, we'll 
use that one.

Bind the TextArea's "text" property to the XMLConnector's "description" 
property: click the plus (+) sign, select the "text:String" 
property, click "Bound To", click the magnifying glass icon, select 
XMLConnector, then select the "description:String" property. 
Select "in" for the direction.

Last thing to do is to tell the TextArea to display the description of the 
selected item of the DataGrid.
However you do this through the XMLConnector..
Select the XMLConnector, select the Bindings tab in the Component Inspector.
There should be 2 Bindings


The last one is the one we need. Note that it has "[n]" in the path, meaning 
there's multiple "food" properties and we now need to 
tell the XMLConnector which one to use.

Select "[n].description" in the Bindings tab, click 
"Index for 'food'", click the magnifying glass icon, 
unselect "Use constant value", which will make the selections at the top 
available, select "Datagrid" -> "selectedIndex:Number"

Test the movie.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Kirkham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 6:31 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Selective display with XMLConnector,DataSet and DataGrid

I am learning about data integration and have completed the elementary "Dinner 
Menu" exercise at

The XML has a root node named <dinner_menu>, containing multiple nodes named 
<food>, each of which contains nodes named <name>, 
<price>, <description> and <calories>.

By means of XMLConnector, DataSet and DataGrid, this information is displayed 
in columns labelled "name", "price", "description" and 

So far it is perfectly simple, but what I now want to modify the example to 
display only _selected_ columns in my DataGrid, for 
instance to read in the same XML but display only "name", "price" and 
"calories" in my DataGrid, omitting "description". 
Nevertheless I don't want to discard "description"; I want to read it in with 
the other data, store it and make it available if the 
user requests it.

Can anybody suggest how I can do this, or direct me to any examples?


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