I'm sure this isn't the most elegant code as it's my first time using
classes. My problem is that my my custom 'change' event is not being
dispatched from place but not the other. If anyone has a suggestion on a
more modular way of writing this I'd also appreciate it. Basically, my
sendChange function is being called, and the data is being passed through
dispatch event, but my listener does not trigger. It never get to the event
trigger in my fla, which for the moment is just a trace.  Any  ideas?

import mx.events.EventDispatcher;

class myComboBox {
private var dispatchEvent:Function;
private var dispatchQueue:Function;
public var addEventListener:Function;
public var removeEventListener:Function;

public function myComboBox(m:MovieClip, d:XML, c:Number) {
//(m)movieclip reference, (d)xml data to fill combobox, (c)default category
id to show

_cb = m;
_xml = d;
_cat = c;

//Loop through data and make combobox entries
   for (var i:Number = 0; i<_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) {
       var xn:XMLNode = _xml.firstChild.childNodes[i];

       var id:Number = xn.attributes.id;
       //defaulting action dispatches change if an id exists that's equal
to the one passed
       if (_cat == id) {
       trace("matched on "+i+" "+_cat+" "+id);

private function sendChange(id:Number) {
   dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"change", parameters:id});


//Code from fla:
var combo:Object = {};
function init() {
   my_cmb = new myComboBox(cmb, _xml, 40);
   my_cmb.addEventListener("open", combo);
   my_cmb.addEventListener("close", combo);
   my_cmb.addEventListener("change", combo);
combo.change = function(evt:Object) {
   trace("changed! idx= "+evt.parameters.idx);
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