> > If I have a string, how can I make an object from the class 
> it represents?
> > Eg:
> >
> > I have class MyBigClass
> > the string className contains the text "Big"
> >
> > I want to do something like
> > obj:Object = new("My" + className + "Class")()


> Might be interesting to know why you need to do this at all.

I'm using an XML document to create a file. Without going into details, each
node of the XML is to be turned into an object, based on the kind of node.
So for example:

<xml><item type='Big' size='3' /><item type='Small' size='2'></xml>

This would become two objects, one an instance of MyBigClass, one an
instance of MySmallClass. In an old version of this, each one was a
MovieClip with the appropriate linkage name. Now I'm trying to do it more
flexibly with objects (so that in particular, each object type can inherit a
standard class, and so that I don't have to have a separate movieClip for
each object type). 


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