damn i'd love to sse that code :D
me myself wrote:
This may be a well-known issue, and it may have been posted here
before, but I thought I'd write a quick note about an obscure problem
I've been dealing with for the last two days (Flash 8, AS 2.0):

I had an AS file that is over 4000 lines long. I know this is a sign
of bad code, and it IS bad code. But it's legacy code. When I get a
chance, I'll rewrite it and divide it up into classes.

Anyway, this file was sucked into frame one, via an #include.

As I added code, I started to notice weird problems. I pulled my hair
out debugging, because the problems had nothing to do with the code I
was adding. I'd add something like num=2, and all of the sudden a
movieclip would vanish (trace(mc._name) gave me undefined). I removed
num=2, and the movieclip came back (trace(mc._name) yielded mc).
Sometimes, even adding a comment would case strange errors.

To my surprise, I eventually figured out that the errors were caused
by the number of lines of code. If I added two lines, no problem. If I
added a third, I'd get errors. It didn't matter what that line was or
where I inserted it. I got errors.

I started googling for "too many lines" and "actionscript" and found
various forums where someone had posted a similar story. Usually,
people responded by saying, "You must be mistaken. It doesn't matter
how many lines of code you use."

I fixed the problem by dividing the code up into two AS files and
loading one into the first frame and the other into the second.
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