Subject: rotating nav help!!
hi all

i have been working on a rotating nav found here:

(source file is the same address but .fla +

as you can see i am using the MCtween function to, once a button is pressed.
animate the button to the top.

the issue i have in the first instance is i need the button to rotate to the
top but through the shortest distance i.e. at the mo wherever you click the
button it spins counter clockwise to the top - i need it to spin to the top
clockwise if its the shortest distance.

the easiest way i can think of doing this is defining the center point of
the circle - establishing its _x pos - then setting up 'if' statements to
tell the nav to spin clock/or counterclockwise dependent on its relation to
the center _x pos.

if that makes any sense!?!?!

but i don't really know how to do this!?!

any help on this would be gladly recieved, im a little short on time to get
this working for a school project!!!

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