what about using hittest? define a rect and position it where you want to text to be visible, then use hittest/hitarea for each "label" that hits the area and
make it visible and vice versa. hth: lars

Am 30.03.2007 um 11:28 schrieb Lewis:

hi to all once again!

i actually realised the best way to rectify the previous issues was to re calculate the angles and use if statements dependent on their relative angle
to 180 i.e. if above 180 rotate left if below 180 rotate right.

the updated movie can be found here:

http://www.visualrythm.com/nav_testfile.swf (once again source file is same
with .fla ext)

however i have a new issue!!!!! curses.

this issue is that i need the names to fade out as they pass the mid point of the rotation, and fade back in the right way round as the rotate around the bottom part of the wheel i.e. so the names are always the right way
round to read!?!!?

the logic behind making this work is baffling me, i was going to try
something like this. this function i think works by returning the x and y value of an object of one movieclip in a movielclip to another movieclip or
the timeline.

it works like this:

var posObj = getGlobal(my_outer_mc.my_mc);

trace(posObj.x); // the x value of my_mc on the _root timeline


var posObj = getGlobal(my_outer_mc.my_my, my_other_mc);

trace(posObj.x); // the x value of my_mc if it were in my_other_mc

any one have any bright ideas????? would this or something similar work, or do you know of a similar script source somewhere i can take a gander at?

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