Hi, Im breaking an image into a grid of separate clips with corresponding
pixels using copyPixels but I'm getting gaps in between the clips.
Also sometimes the image wont finish if the ratio between horz and vert
clips is too high. Has anyone had this issue.

code below

cheers, MaTT

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Point;

class com.client.effects.ReformPixel extends MovieClip {

private var horzDiv, vertDiv, clip_w, clip_h, cut_w, cut_h:Number;
private var srcImg, srcBmd:BitmapData;
private var clip, clip_2:MovieClip;
private var aClips:Array;

function ReformPixel()

public function _init(_horzDiv:Number, _vertDiv:Number, _img:String,
_clip:MovieClip, _clip_2:MovieClip):Void
 var _break:Boolean = false;
 aClips = [];
 horzDiv = _horzDiv;
 vertDiv = _vertDiv;
 clip = _clip;
 clip_2 = _clip_2;

 srcImg = BitmapData.loadBitmap(_img);
 clip.attachBitmap(srcImg, 1);

 clip_w = clip._width;
 clip_h = clip._height;

 cut_w = clip_w/horzDiv;
 cut_h = clip_h/vertDiv;

 srcBmd = new BitmapData(clip_w, clip_h, true, 0x00000000);

 clip._visible = false;

 for (var j:Number = 0; j <= _horzDiv; j++)
  for (var i:Number = 0; i <= _vertDiv; i++)
   var num:Number = (j * _horzDiv + i);

   if (num >= (_horzDiv*_vertDiv))
    _break = true;
   var xPos:Number = i * (cut_w);
   var yPos:Number = j * (cut_h);
   var rect =  new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, cut_w, cut_h);
   var point = new Point(0,0);
   var bmd:BitmapData =  new BitmapData(cut_w, cut_h, true, 0x000000);
   bmd.copyPixels(srcBmd, rect, point);
   var destClip:MovieClip = aClips[i] =
clip_2.createEmptyMovieClip('destClip_' + i, clip_2.getNextHighestDepth());
   destClip.attachBitmap(bmd, destClip.getNextHighestDepth(), 'auto',
   destClip._x = xPos;
   destClip._y = yPos;
   //trace('destClip._x = ' + destClip._x + ' destClip._y = ' +
   destClip.tX = destClip._x;
   destClip.tY = destClip._y;
   destClip.tZ = 100;
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