basic banner. you click on something, a url opens. However, this process has to go through a delegate. User clicks, releases; bam,
"Adobe flash player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation"

Banner has a search bar, enter key, when this inputfield has focus, calls getURL. Nuh uh.
"Adobe flash player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation"

anything using externalinterface
"Adobe flash player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation"

getURL calls through event bubbling or event chains
"Adobe flash player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation"

getURL calls through onPress (bear with me)
"Adobe flash player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation"

The amount of shit we have to go through to make stuff work in browsers is one thing (such as raping our own script to the point of hilarity), but why, oh dear sweet baby jesus why, is Adobe forcing endusers to use their ridiculous fucking security manager page?!

I have rarely seen a more user unfriendly piece of garbage. Nothing is clear, descriptions are vague, and somehow the whole tone seems directed at.. developers?

Either i'm doing something fundamentally wrong, and by fundamentally i'm talking triangular wheels type shit, or someone needs to explain to me the thought process behind putting users through such a meat grinder of a security control panel, because the way i see it right now, we're up shit creek if we want to deliver content with a semblance of proper usability and avoid users getting smushed into that security alert again and again.

My mom would have *no idea whatsoever* why that thing showed up, nor what the security manager site even does.

To remain objective:
Here's my problem. X number of buttons in a class where button presses broadcast click events that do a number of things, including opening a url. Also, the search bar problem described above. In an ideal world all these cals would go through javascript with externalinterface (it's a somewhat complex banner and i'd like the client to be able to alter where URLs point for instance), but that's a surefire way of forcing endusers to go through the grinder if they haven't already, degrading the whole application to the power of max.

I have a hell of a time figuring out how to do this, and it's beginning to royally anger me.

So please, smarter people than i; How do you facilitate user interactions with the browser without crashing into this lunatic security management solution? What are the rules of thumb?


- Andreas R
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