clearInterval stops an interval from executing, it doesn't remove the ID that 
was assigned to the interval.

>From the docs:

    Number - An integer that identifies the interval (the interval ID), which 
you can pass to clearInterval() to cancel the 

Each time you call setInterval a numeric identifier is returned, which is auto 
incremented as you can see in your example.
And this also explains why it is so important to clear an interval before 
creating a new one, which was mentioned a few times here 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Helmut Granda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:18 PM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Clear Set Interval Q:

> Is there any specific reason why after calling clearInterval the variable
> with the interval returns 1 instead of undefined/null?
> Following the docs and creating a simple item we get different results (no
> different but no what our logic might expect)
> function callback() {
> trace("interval called: "+getTimer()+" ms.");
> }
> var intervalID:Number = setInterval(callback, 1000);
> trace(intervalID);
> clear_btn.onRelease = function(){
> clearInterval( intervalID );
> trace(intervalID);//shouldnt this return undefined/null?
> trace("cleared interval");
> };
> start_btn.onRelease = function() {
>    intervalID = setInterval(callback, 1000);// this adds 1 to the current
> interval
>    trace(intervalID);
> } 

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