Hi, thanks for your reply!

My curve isn't exactly a circle. Here's what my animated curve would look

The curve is drawn using the drawing API:

So, I know the 3 bezier points that define my curve:
startpoint = 0,0
middlepoint = 400,900
endpoint = 800,0

With those values in hand, how can I apply them to your function:
> f(x) = A*x + x^2

Do I make any sense?

On 4/25/07 3:50 PM, "Jobe Makar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Your typical funciton looks something like this in math books:
> f(x) = A*x + x^2 //just an example
> Where f(x) is essentially 'y'. So, you just need the equation that defines
> your curve. The curve in your jpg appears to be a circle.
> y = sqrt(x^2 + r^2) //where r is the radius
> That actually yields + or - and you just pick what fits your situation best.
> So, you pump in an x and get you 2 y's. Pick the best y and use it.

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