I dyamically create a number of 'labels' for my menu but, using the same procedure, I don't seem to able to generate the buttons.

The trace outputs the correct property for the buttons: name, x and y but all I get is one button placed at 0, 0 even though I set its coordinates to match the labels (I want these buttons to be right on top of each label).

Obvioulsy I am not implementing the code in the right manner, any tips, please? Also, how can I reference each button for the relevant functions?
Here is the code...

//___________________________Init variables_______________________________
var myTxt:Array = new Array("branding", "news", "about us", "print", "marks", "contact");
var subMenuArray:Array = new Array();
var myBtnArray:Array = new Array();
var myX = 430;
var ySpacing:Number = 190;
//_________________create a movieClip to hold the vertical label_________________
_root.lable_mc.createTextField("myName", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 484, 200, 140, 408);
      myNformat = new TextFormat();
      myNformat.font = "Verdana";
      myNformat.size = 70;
      myNformat.bold = true;
      myNformat.color = 0xEEEEEE;

      myNformat.align = "center";
_root.lable_mc.myName.text = "contact";
//____________________create the textFields for the subMenuItems___________________
for (i=0; i<myTxt.length; i++) {
_root.createTextField("mytext"+[i], this.getNextHighestDepth(), myX, 0, 100, 30);
          myId = _root["mytext"+[i]];
          myId._y = ySpacing;
          ySpacing += 20;
  //              myId.text = myTxt[i];
// //____________/Format the text of the subMenuItems/_____________________
          myId.border = false;
          myformat = new TextFormat();
          myformat.font = "Verdana";
          myformat.size = 13;
          myformat.bold = true;
          myformat.color = 0x555555;
          myformat.align = "right";
          myId.selectable = false;
//__c/reate an Array with the submenuItems to be used in the buttons control function/______
  //____________/attach a button (on top of) to each textFields/__________
  _root.attachMovie("butt_btn", "butt"+[i], this.getNextHighestDepth());
          btn = ["butt"+[i]];
          btn._x = myX;
          btn._y = myId._y;
//_________/create an array to use later to control the buttons/_____________
          trace(myBtnArray[i]+"y is: "+btn._y+" and the x is: "+btn._x)
  //       }
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