Hi all,

has anyone experienced this problem with getChildAt() returning null for
some of its children?

I have some movieclips which are rather complex animations with some nested
stuff in them. My problem is that I have to make sure the nested movieclips
(which have 2 frames each) stay stopped in either the first or second frame,
at any one time.
I know you can't mess around with a movieclip's animation before it's even
appeared on the screen, so everything I'm doing happens AFTER it was added
to the stage.

What I try to do is simple: at each frame of the animation (I have an
enterFrame listener on it), I run through every single of its children and
call either gotoAndStop(1) or gotoAndStop(2) as needed.
This was supposed to work, if I hadn't run into this strange issue with null
children... Below is a sample code I used to check the current frame of each
of the animation's children. Surprisingly, some of them are listed as being
null, even though they are counted as valid children (from the numChildren

for(var j:int = 0; j < mc.numChildren; j++) {
  if(mc.getChildAt(j) is Shape) {
     // ignoring Shapes, as they have no frames

  var current:MovieClip = MovieClip(mc.getChildAt(j));
  if(current != null) {
      trace(" -- " + current + ": " + current.currentFrame + "[" +
current.totalFrames + "]");
  else {
      trace(" -- " + mc.getChildAt(j)); // always prints null

I'm really confused here. Is this some kind of optimization Flash does with
its animations? I have the same behavior either with Flash 9 Alpha or Flash

Frederico Ferro Schuh
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