On 5/30/07, Muzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The others are more powerpoint-type animations, which you can either create in 
Flash (using the timeline and streaming sound)

So you're on the same page as Mark, above? embed the sound directly
into the timeline and just animate around it? When the soundfile says,
"It's Quick, It's Easy..." or something along those lines, you'd just
animate your text to appear in time with the timeline?

How can I be sure that... okay, let's say at some point in the
voiceover, like above, there's a certain phrase you wanna animate
against. Let's say for the sake of argument it's a point where he/she
says something like, "It's cheap, it's easy, and best of all, it'll
save you money!" and you want those words to appear, then fade away,
then appear, then fade away, all synchronized to the voiceover track.

It's as easy as both of you are saying? Just drop the sound track into
the timeline and animate?

Let's say for the sake of argument, that the soundtrack is two, or
three minutes long... do you break up the file into smaller chunks? Or
is it okay to just import the whole sound at once? What are the
drawbacks/benefits to doing it either way?

It sure sounds like I'm just overthinking it... what with cuepoints,
actionscripting and the like. It sounds more and more like it's just
your basic, average, timeline based presentation that's about 4000
frames of animation and timeline mess. Maybe a pain to keep track of,
but little to no programming....

Am I on the right track?
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