Hi Folks


I’m working on a configurator and now I’ve got an severe problem and not
much time left at all to solve it!


In my preloader I load an XML-File with some multi-language-elements.

In my configurator are some movieclips with buttons (->Button.label),
Accordions (labels too), TextFields and TextAres inside…


Now my problem is that when the configurator (and the preloader too) starts,
I’d like to dynamically change all those „text“-Fields but the XML-File
takes ist time to parse and fill up some Arrays i’ve created for my
language-update-purpose, so that when I want to change/create those
„text“-fields, my configurator doesn’t know what’s inside these Arrays… it
means, that the XML wasn’t parsed yet….


On the other hand I don’t want to do those „updates“ in the
onLoad()-function cause after the configurator initiated, i want the ability
to change the language at (users)runtime.


Can someone please help me???





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