Hi Eric,


setTimeout( Delegate.create(myConduit, myConduit.getAutoCompleteMatches,
500, login_dialogBox_mc.entry_txt.text, user.zipcode, "6" );

instead. Should work.

~Arul Prasad

On 7/10/07, eric e. dolecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have a scoping issue of some kind within a Class itself, seems strange.
Flash 9 AS2 SWF.

I have a class that handles some XML-RPC calls. Works great from the _root
proper, but fails when i call it from within a function... (without
into all the little specifics of the code, below is enough I think to
explain it)...

some Conduit Class code:

function Conduit()
        owner = this;
        mx.events.EventDispatcher.initialize( owner );
        replyXML = new XML();
        send_lv = new LoadVars();
// This won't get called by interval timeline code below in this email
private function doGetAuto( sSubstring:String, sZipcode:String,
        trace( "> doGetAuto" );
        replyXML = new XML();
        replyXML.ignoreWhite = true;
        replyXML.onLoad = Delegate.create( owner, autoResponse );

        send_lv = new LoadVars();
        send_lv.q = sSubstring;
        send_lv.zip = sZipcode;
        send_lv.max = sMax;
        send_lv.sendAndLoad( sAutoCompleteURL, replyXML, "GET" );
    private function autoResponse( success:Boolean ):Void
        if( success )
            dispatchEvent( {target:owner, type:"autoCompleteResponse",
data:replyXML} );
        } else
            dispatchEvent( {target:owner, type:"genericError" } );

    public function getAutoCompleteMatches( sSubstring:String,
sZipcode:String, sMax:String ):Void
        trace( "getAutoCompleteMatches" );
        doGetAuto( sSubstring, sZipcode, sMax );

now an example of some implementing timeline code:

// Works, see the "> doGetAuto" traced
var myConduit:Conduit = new Conduit();
myConduit.getAutoCompleteMatches( "iron", "01701", "6" );

// Doesn't work, stops at the first trace within the class (
"getAutoCompleteMatches" ) (in place of code above)
var myConduit:Conduit = new Conduit();
function createFirst():Void
    login_dialogBox_mc.entry_txt.onChanged = entryChange;
function entryChange():Void
   clearTimeout( nAutoTimer );
   nAutoTimer = setTimeout( myConduit.getAutoCompleteMatches, 500,
login_dialogBox_mc.entry_txt.text, user.zipcode, "6" );

- Eric
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Arul Prasad
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